About UM Technology

UM Technology provides the integrated electronic security solutions as well as we provide the consultation and audits for security systems for existing as well as upcoming premises like commercial , residential premises, banks, financial institutes, educational institutes, cargos, airports, government offices, etc.

UM Technology is upcoming organization in the business of Electronic Security Systems with global partners in all segments of security systems.

The presence of a go-getting marketing team and a strong technical-support team in Lucknow, Kanpur, Allahabad, Varansi, Faizabad, Gorakhpur, and in many other parts of the Utter Pradesh, has given us an unrivalled status of the leader in the Indian electronic-security industry.

Provides the integrated electronic security solutions as well as we provide the consultation and audits for security systems for existing as well as upcoming premises like commercial, residential premises, banks, financial institutes, educational institutes, cargos, airports, government offices, etc.