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Grow Up your business more secure

We Provide Verified & Secured Service for company

About Our Company

UM Technology Operates in the business areas Product business; Customer designed security and Communications services.
With our product business, we are capable of offering any kind of component for Integrated Electronic Security, communication and safety systems in state-of-the-art technology,


Project Done


happy client


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What We Offer Here

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Integration and Commissioning along with Maintenance under one roof makes us the obvious choice.

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Our proficiency in Supply, Installation, Integration and Commissioning along with Maintenance under one roof.

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We give designing support to our Clients as we have In house Auto Cad Operators.

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Installation for Commercial with prominent clients across the globe...

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Expertise for complex and challenging projects and sites

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Integration and Commissioning along with Maintenance under one roof.

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Why Choose Us

24/7 Support

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Expert Employees

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Verified Service

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Secured Service

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Our Gallery Photo

UM Technology Operates in the business areas Product business; Customer designed security and Communications services. With our product business.